
New Yorker Cartoon Roundup: Wall Street Woe

2004 cover with dandy Eustace Tilley, created ...The October 6th edition of the New Yorker focused all the cartoons on the stock market crash. The result? It only hurts when I laugh.

(Ok, it's a little easier to take today after a record 11% gain in most of the broad indexes)

If you don't have access to the New Yorker, thanks to cartoonbank.com I've summarized all the cartoons here in the order they ran in the magazine. Also, if you have an iGoogle account you might want to add my "Random New Yorker Cartoon" gadget to your home page (it's way better than cartoonbank's widget).

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1 comment:

  1. Have a look also at the Credit crunch cartoons from the CartoonStock NewsCartoon Service.
