I bought some cashews out of the vending machine @ work, and they had the message "new look, same taste!" on the package.
That's usually a sign the package has been downsized, and this is 1 oz of cashews for 60 cents (the vending machine co just raised their prices 5 cents).
So, I checked it out and found a whole backstory:
Embodying fun, excitement, freedom and love of adventure, Miss Kar clearly rules the road in her yellow, peanut-shaped roadster.To introduce Kar's five new snack mixes, Miss Kar is shown driving to a different destination on each of the packages.
I can spot the "peanut-shaped roadster" (it looks like a peanut), but I can't tell her destination.
Also, the company itself has a "fun" web site for Miss Kar. And the web site says Kar's Nuts is not part of the FDA recall, and has never purchased any products from the Peanut Corporation of America.
I still don't know if the packaging holds fewer nuts.
You know it's fun, it says so right on the web site!